Useful Links
bis 2001 - 2024
bizhelp24 - UK on-line business resource for individuals and small businesses
British Association of Women Entrepreneurs (BAWE) - organisation for UK based women business owners
British Franchise Association - information on franchising
British Venture Capital Association - private equity and venture capital for entrepreneurs
BTG - commercialising new technologies through investing and licensing
Business Link - .gov -Patents, trade marks, copyright and designs provides you with information and guidance on everything you need to know about the new product development process.
Caparo Innovation Centre - Wolverhampton University team helping inventors get ideas to market, with no cash charge
Community Research & Development Information Service
- practical advice by/for inventors (CORDIS) - European Commission's information service on European Research and Innovation activities
Companies House - online database of all registered UK company names
CREAX - systematic innovation methodology
Delphion - patent search engine (free registration required)
DTI's Innovation Report - showing how innovation is a driving force
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) - UK agency funding research in engineering and the physical sciences
Engineering Council UK - promoting and regulating UK engineering professions (formerly the Council of Engineering Institutions)
Enterprise Investment Scheme Association (EISA) - enterprise investment for small to medium sized companies
European Patent Office - ESPACE.NET Europe's network of patent databases
European Patent Register - online checking for the status of European patents and applications
First Index - online suppliers' directory and sourcing tool
Foresight - UK science-based futures expertise identifying potential opportunities from science & technology
Global Sources - online supplier directory and search engine
https://globalwiin.com/ Global Womens Inventors & Innovators Network (GWIIN) - promoting women inventors
Innovation Plus - technology inventions service (Oxfordshire based)
Institute of International Licensing Practitioners - Association commercialising invention through technology transfer and licensing
Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys - register of UK trade mark attorneys
Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) - organisation for electronics, electrical, manufacturing and IT professionals
Intellectual Property Office - body advising UK Government on intellectual property issues
Invention-Europe.com - European site and directory for inventors
InventionFind.com - US site and directory for inventors
Invention-Marketing.co.uk - marketing services for technology inventions
Inventions & Innovation site (US Dept of Energy) - downloadable guides for inventors, including 'From Invention to Innovation' and 'Making the Licensing Decision'
InventNet - US inventors network
InventorEd - comprehensive online inventor resource and discussion forum (US site)
Inventorfraud.com - help selecting appropriate/ avoiding inappropriate invention agencies
Inventors Digest - US magazine and website for inventors
Inventors Directory - US inventors directory
Inventors Friend - service for UK inventors
Inventors Handbook (Lemelson - MIT) - essential online guide for inventors (US)
Inventors Handbook (NESTA) - essential online guide for inventors (UK)
Inventors HQ - free online information and mentoring service for inventors (US site)
Inventors-L - active online discussion forum for inventors (US site)
Invest.uk - UK government inward investment agency
IP Consult - Intellectual Property specialist services (Buckinghamshire Based)
j4b.co.uk - comprehensive database for finding UK grants and loans
Japan Patent Office - English site for the Japan Patent Office
Knowledge Dock - Internet based support for technology entrepreneurs
KnowThis - directory of Market Research reports and online databases
Lawdit Solicitors - UK commercial & Intellectual Property legal services provider
Macrothesaurus - directory of global inventors resources
Manufacturing Advisory Service - helping UK manufacturers with support and expertise
Medical Research Council (MRC) - UK agency promoting research into medical and related science
National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts (NESTA) - investing in outstanding ideas and the people who have them
National Federation of Enterprise Agencies - Enterprise Agency support for UK start-ups, micro businesses and the self-employed
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) - promoting research into the natural environment
Next Step - for TRIZ / Innovation services
Own It - the Creative London Intellectual Property Service. Free advice, events and information for London's creative people on: Copyright, Design Rights, Patents, Trademarks, Branding, Confidentiality Agreements, Licensing, Royalties, Contracts. Free to access.
Patent FAQ - practical answers to many patent related questions (US site)
Patent-Links.com - links to intellectual property, patent and trademark sites around the world
PatentMax - online global patent search service
Patents and Prototypes - patent, prototype & market research services for UK inventors
Patent tutorial - online US patent guide & patent search tutorial
PlanetPatent - US patent search service
Presentations guide - free guide to making a compelling business case of your invention (from 'Ask the Inventors')
Real Deal - hints and tips for entrepreneurs starting in business (Channel 4 site)
Royal Academy of Engineering - bringing together UK engineers from all disciplines
Royal Institution - home of UK science research and communication for over 200 years
SciDev Net - global news, views and information about science, technology & the developing world
Science Media Centre - press office for science, promoting the scientific community to the news media
SETsquared - supporting knowledge-based entrepreneurs in Southern England
Solent Investment Opportunity Network (SION) - business angel network covering Hampshire and West Sussex
Technical Innovation Center (www.triz.org) - information on TRIZ and publisher of TRIZ books
Technology Ventures Scotland - commercialisation of Scottish science and technology
Tech TV - online info and video clips of interest to inventors and technology enthusiasts
Thames Valley Technology - meeting the demands of technology companies in the Thames Valley
The Entrepreneur Network - comprehensive information source for inventors and entrepreneurs (US site)
The Key - UK Intellectual Property information - trademarks, patents, registered designs and copyright
The Royal Society - independent UK scientific academy promoting excellence in science
The Trevor Baylis Foundation - helping inventors find a route to market
Totally absurd patents - an amusing selection of some of the daftest patents ever filed
TRIZ Journal - online free monthly journal & archive for TRIZ methods of creativity & innovation
UK Business Incubation - providing information on UK business incubation
UK Patent Office - UK Intellectual Property (Copyright, Designs, Patents and Trade Marks)
US Patent Office - US Patent and Trademark Office
Wales Innovators Network - support service for individual innovators and inventors
Why Not open source movement - how to use everyday ingenuity to solve problems big and small
Wired Wessex - online network for new media and technology professionals
Working Model - prototyping service for inventors
World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) - harmonising national intellectual property legislation and procedures
Yet2.com - online database to find or market a technology